Tuesday, December 15, 2015



I want to thank everyone that visits this page.

I have some good news: I am done with the first draft and first revisions of PARADE SEASON.

Now begin the second and third (final) revisions. Things should start moving pretty fast!

It is most certainly going to be a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.

If I do not talk to you between now and then please know you are in my thoughts.

Thank you for your continued support,


SPANDAU GUARD, AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY  are the historical fiction by author David G. Guerra. David has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.

Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed CopyAmazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook

Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook

Order SPANDAU GUARD: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback  | BN Nook

The next book, PARADE SEASON, in the Occupied Berlin series coming June 2015.