Friday, June 27, 2014

Catching Up (27 JUNE 2014)

It has been a little over a week since the last log post and I thought it was time for another one.  Here it is!
There is really no subject other than just wanting to catch up with you.  The aside from reading not much has been going on here.  My family and I have been tending to our vegetable garden and have really enjoyed the fruits of our labor.

Here is shot of two beauties that will be ripe just in time for Independence Day and the mandatory Barbecue dinner (after all what's the 4th of July without Barbecue?)!

Now do not get me wrong, I have in writing.  I have not started working on the next book, will I have.  The outline is done, characters are in place, and the back-story, for the most part, is under control.  I have decided to take a little break in writing since the publication of "Air Bridge Berlin" but I will resume after the 4th of July (next week).

WOW, the month of June is all but done.  The year will be half of over.  Can you believe it?

I want to take this time to THANK everyone that has helped me with the writing of the book and those that have read my stories.  I really do appreciate it!

Two stories in six months, I do not know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.  I hope it is a good thing in that the stories I have been telling you like.  I know it is a bad thing because as I go back and reread the stories I see where I need to amplify more and where I do not need to amplify at all.  That along with a reader feedback will definitely make be a better writer, a better offer, and above all, a better storyteller.

Please let me know what to think. I really do I hear from you.  As always, you can write me at dave (at)

I will keep his brief and close for now. 

I do appreciate it and until next week,
Thank you,


AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY is the historical fiction work for author, David G. Guerra. He has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.

Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed CopyAmazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook

Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook

The next book in the Occupied Berlin series is UNTITLED PROJECT FOR A FALL 2014 RELEASE..

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Summer Reading Part Deux

Hello again,
After my last post, I got to thinking. I got to thinking about what to read. I told you what I was reading and asked to tell me what you were reading. What about those that don't know what to read?

Great question. Every year there are lists and list of what people recommend others read. Summer reading seems to be the best time to catch up on the latest books. This is where I got to thinking. Why not read some old classics?

Yes, the old classics. These are books that have defined and shaped who we are. They are also the books that I consider as inspirations to every book written today. Read the list, you'll understand what I mean. 

The classics:
• 1984 by George Orwell
• Animal Farm by George Orwell
• Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
• Dracula by Bram Stoker
• Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
• Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
• Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
• One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
• Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
• The Chronicles of Narnia (all books) by C.S. Lewis
• The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
• Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

If you have read one or all or none give one or two of these a shot (again). Seriously, I occasionally re-read a classic to keep me in check and to remind me that I am no where near the level of these great authors. One day.



Nach meinem letzten Beitrag habe ich zu denken. Ich muss darüber nachdenken, was zu lesen. Ich habe dir gesagt, was ich las, und fragte, mir zu sagen, was Sie gelesen haben. Was ist mit denen, die nicht wissen, was zu lesen?  

Gute Frage. Jedes Jahr gibt es Listen und Listen, was Menschen anderen empfehlen zu lesen. Sommerlese scheint die beste Zeit, um über die neuesten Bücher aufzuholen. Dies ist, wo ich zu Denken. Warum nicht ein paar alte Klassiker zu lesen? 

Ja, die alten Klassiker. Das sind Bücher, die definiert und geformt haben, wer wir sind. Sie sind auch die Bücher, die ich als Inspirationen zu jedem Buch heute geschrieben. Lesen Sie die Liste, werden Sie verstehen, was ich meine.

Die Klassiker:

• 1984 by George Orwell
• Animal Farm by George Orwell
• Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
• Dracula by Bram Stoker
• Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
• Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
• Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
• One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
• Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
• The Chronicles of Narnia (all books) by C.S. Lewis
• The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
• Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

Wenn Sie gelesen haben, eine oder alle oder keine geben, ein oder zwei von ihnen ein Schuss (wieder). Im Ernst, ich gelegentlich wieder lesen einen klassischen mir in Schach zu halten und mich daran erinnern, dass ich nicht annähernd das Niveau dieser großen Autoren bin. Eines Tages.



AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY are works of historical fiction from author, David G. Guerra. He had previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.

Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed CopyAmazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook

Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook

The next book in the Occupied Berlin series is UNTITLED PROJECT FOR A FALL 2014 RELEASE..

Friday, June 13, 2014

WOW!!! JUNE 2014 Already????

Happy Summer 2014 Everyone.

How are you doing? Staying COOL I hope!

Here, I am trying to stay cool but I fear that is a losing effort. This past week the temperature has topped 100° F / 37° C and climbing. You know what that means? That's right more time spent indoors, more time to read.

Personally, I am currently reading "ARMAGEDDON" by LEON URIS

Great story set in Berlin (of course). I won't reveal too much but what I can say is that I like it.

What are you reading? What's on your summer reading list?

Thanks for stopping by.

Here are some tags: #ColdWar #Berlin #Books #Author #BerlinAirlift #DoughboyCity #WestBerlin #ArmyofOccupation #Occupied Berlin, Occupied Berlin, Cold War, Berlin, Books, Author, Berlin Airlift, Doughbou City, West Berlin, Army of Occupation, Occupied Berlin

AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY is the historical fiction work for author, David G. Guerra. He has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.

Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed CopyAmazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook

Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook

The next book in the Occupied Berlin series is UNTITLED PROJECT FOR A FALL 2014 RELEASE..