Saturday, August 16, 2014

Less Than 60 Days To Go (Secret Surprise Inside)

Hello again,
I just want to take a moment to say THANK YOU to everyone that has read my books. It is such an honor to have you read my stories.

I also want to share with you that we now have less than 60 days before the publication of SPANDAU GUARD.

I am really excited about sharing this story with you. I do hope you find it interesting.

This is how excited I am to share it with you. Please enjoy this brief snippet (warning: this does contain adult language but then again we are talking about Infantrymen and we have plenty of adult language to go around):

----CHAPTER 5 - Thursday December 6 (St. Nicholas Day) - Tower 3 - Spandau Prison-----

     It was about 3:30pm when Corey called to tell me the visitors left and took Number 7 with them.

     “What? They did what without checking with me first?” I said in jest.

     “Yep, guess they were in a hurry to get home before it got dark.”

     I looked to the west and the sun was dangerously close to setting.

     “Nah, he’s still here,” Corey said.

     “Yeah, it would made no sense for us to guard an empty prison. Then again, this is the Army and this is Berlin,” I told him.

     “Hey, Sgt. Wilson wants to know if you need a break.”

     “Not yet.”

     “OK. Sgt. Wilson says I need to call the other towers.”

     “OK. Out here.”



     “It’ll be dark soon.” click.

     It’ll be dark soon. What was that supposed to mean? Of course, the sun was setting. Another thirty minutes later, the sun finally hit the horizon. For as long as I have been here, I cannot seem to get over the sun setting at four o’clock in the afternoon. I do not know how these people can live like this with sunrise at eight and sunset a workday later, at four. I guess you eventually get used to it. I hope that I will get used to it sooner rather than later. In the meantime, I will deal with it.

     “Al,” a whisper.


     Did someone just call my name? It sounded like the whisper was right next to me here in the tower. It could not be. There was no one up here with me.

     “Al,” another whisper.

     This time it sounded like came from outside the wall. Corey. His was the only name that came to my mind. What would he be doing outside the wall?

     “Corey are you out there?” I called out.

     Nothing. Not even a snap of a twig or rustling of the leaves that were on the ground. Those are a sure sign of someone is out on the ground and being careless in their movements. I know who is careless in their movements. Privates. Newbie Privates are very careless. Still nothing.

     “Private Corey, you better not be out there fucking around,” I called out again.

     The light breeze that's been blowing all day suddenly picked up and I could hear the branches rubbing against each other. Maybe that is what I heard. Yeah, it had to be the branches and the wind. I could easily confirm whether it was Corey. All I had to do was pick up the phone and ask if he was there, in the guardroom.

     As I walked around the tower looking towards inside the compound, something caught my eye. For a brief second, I thought I saw some fog rolling across the walkway. However, when I looked again it was gone. It must have been the angle and the lights on the building and my eyes still adjusting to the night. It suddenly got colder. I could feel the very cold air surrounding me. The kind of cold air that hurts your lungs when you inhale deeply while you are outside doing Physical Training on those icy winter Berlin mornings. It had been cool all day, somewhere around 45 degrees Fahrenheit, and I know when the sun goes down it gets colder but not like this. The air felt like it was well below freezing.

     “Al,” another whisper.

     “OK, ha ha! Funny. Who’s out there?”

     RING! RING! The tower phone.

That's it for now. I will post more excerpts and snippets in the coming days.

Thank you,


AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY is the historical fiction work for author, David G. Guerra. He has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.

Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed CopyAmazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook

Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook

The next book in the Occupied Berlin series is SPANDAU GUARD coming October 2014.

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