Hello and Welcome to February. One month done and 11 more to go. However, in the meantime, I have been moving right along with Air Bridge Berlin.
As promised here is a very brief excerpt from the next book in the Occupied Berlin series: Air Bridge Berlin
This excerpt is from Chapter One.
The scene is set in the office of the US Military Governor of Germany in Berlin. The time is the very early morning hours a little after the Soviets began their notorious blockade of Berlin. The highest ranking military official in Germany is on the telephone with the President of the United States. They just finished discussing what has just transpired at all access points in and out of the western sectors of the city of Berlin and what actions they will take.
“Mr. President let me get this day started. Our next phone call is scheduled
for 0900 local which is about seven hours from now.”
“Yes, now go get dressed,” said the President.
“Yes, sir. I will talk to you in a while. I should have more for you then.”
Putting the phone on the receiver the General starts to get dressed into his
uniform but changes his mind. He writes a quick note and carries it with him
as he walks over to the small leather couch in the far side of the room. He lays
down on the couch and puts the note on his chest and quickly drifts off to sleep.
A few minutes later, Major Jerry Van Busch walks in with a tray carrying the
hot coffee. He sees that the General has fallen asleep. Setting the tray down the
Major picks up the note and reads it:
Wake me up at 0500.
Staff Meeting at 0600.
Keep the coffee warm.
Get a nap if you can
With that, the beginning of a very long day was underway.
I know it is not very long but I promise I will post more soon.
Thank you,
Click here to order your copy for the Kindle Device or App: DOUGHBOY CITY: Tales from Freedom's Outpost / Occupied Berlin series (Volume 1) $1.99
Click here to order your copy of the Doughboy City: Tales from Freedom's Outpost / Occupied Berlin series (Volume 1) in paperback. $8.99 at Amazon.com
Click here to order your SIGNED copy of Doughboy City: Tales from Freedom's Outpost / Occupied Berlin series (Volume 1) in paperback $8.00 at my website.
DOUGHBOY CITY is the first work of fiction for author, David G. Guerra. He has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
The next book in the Occupied Berlin series is AIR BRIDGE BERLIN.
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