How was your Christmas? Here at the OCCUPIED BERLIN headquarters it was a fantastic time.
However, I did manage to get some work done and did a little fine tuning to the manuscript just before the paperback version gets released. That means that there is another update to the Kindle version of DOUGHBOY CITY. Please make certain you have the latest version.
As always if you find that you are having issues getting the latest update please drop me an email and I will help you get that update on your Kindle Device or App.
FYI: The paperback version of DOUGHBOY CITY is scheduled for release January 7, 2014. The initial release plan is first distribution through then as the rest of the major online booksellers start to add it to their catalog you will be able to find it there. The price of the book is set at $8.49 plus shipping and taxes (if applicable).
However, starting on Monday, December 30, I will be offering signed copies of the book at a discounted price. Be on the look out for that very soon.
Thank you,
The price remains the same at for $0.99
Click here to order you copy for the Kindle Device or App: OCCUPIED BERLIN: Tales from Freedom's Outpost (Book 1: Doughboy City)
DOUGHBOY CITY is the first work of fiction for author, David G. Guerra. He has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
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