May 12, 2014 will commemorate the 65th anniversary of the end of the Blockade of Berlin by the Soviet Union (1949).
May 12 2014, will be the day that my latest book "Air Bridge Berlin" will be published.
Air Bridge Berlin is the second book in the Occupied Berlin series. "Air Bridge Berlin" is a story that takes place at Tempelhof Airport in the American Sector of Occupied Berlin. The main character is a young Infantry soldier that has been tasked to guard one of the numerous access gates to the airfield.
At one of these gates the soldier meets and befriends a young Berliner. He also accidentally runs into someone that is part of the Berlin Airlift Operations but has nothing to do with the food, medicine, fuel, and supplies that are coming into the beleaguered city. You can imagine this creates more questions than answers.
During the 11 months that the Berlin Airlift took place not much has been publicly said about what was being flown back to western Germany after the cargo planes lighten their load at one of the two, then three, airports in Berlin. In Air Bridge Berlin, I propose something (or someone) did fly back to western Germany.
In writing Air Bridge Berlin, I wanted to create believable characters that paid homage to all the individuals that were in Berlin during the Soviet Blockade. I hope I did that when I created the character of Brendt Driemann. Brendt is the example of all the children that were in the city when the airlift was taking place. They knew what was going on around them, they were very much aware of life and the politics of the time. They also, at a very early age, experienced horrors and cruelty that no child should ever be exposed to. However, as children are these young Berliners were resilient. It was that resiliency that helped shape the Berlin and Germany that we see today.
I firmly believe that it is because of the Brendt Dreimann's of Berlin (both boy and girl) and their exposure to those that were once their conquerors (US, UK, and France) but soon showed complete dedication and commitment to their health, welfare and future that the Berlin Wall fell and German unification took place. They knew that if they could stick it out, no mater what, what they were doing would work.
In the story, Brendt is unknowingly brought into something bigger than him, than the Allies, bigger than Berlin, and even bigger than the free world. However, he knows that he cannot keep it to himself. That's when he challenges himself and seeks out those that can help them. In the meantime, the young soldier, Tony Henriquez is also brought in to the mystery and intrigue that has been going on since a few hours after the Berlin Airlift started.
Working together, Tony and Brendt try to reveal what they know to those that unknowingly have become transporters of some great evil. If it was not for the soldier and the young Berliner no one would ever know just how much damage would have been done to the freedom of Western Germany and ultimately the world.
I won't say much more about the story other than I hope you enjoy it.
Why the Occupied Berlin series?
The Occupied Berlin series of books is and will be at least 10 stories set throughout the almost 45 year period of occupation of the city of Berlin by the U.S., British, French and Soviet forces or should I say victorious world war two Allies.
In the first book, "Doughboy City", the book is set in the fall of 1989 and ends on November 9 of that same year (the day the Berlin Wall fell). "Air Bridge Berlin" takes place late summer to late fall of 1948.
The next book, titled intentionally withheld, is set to take place in December. I have not figured out the year just yet. I need to make certain that the year that I pick does not conflict with the story I'm going to tell. I can say that because of what the story is about and who the characters are, no other month in the year would work. It has to be December.
Thank you for reading my stories. I greatly appreciate it and I do hope you like them.
P.S. You can pre-order your signed copy of AIR BRIDGE BERLIN you can visit the book's page on my website:
Click here to order your copy for the Kindle Device or App: DOUGHBOY CITY: Tales from Freedom's Outpost / Occupied Berlin series (Volume 1)
Click here to order your copy of the Doughboy City: Tales from Freedom's Outpost / Occupied Berlin series (Volume 1)
Click here to order your SIGNED copy of Doughboy City: Tales from Freedom's Outpost / Occupied Berlin series (Volume 1) in paperback $8.00 at my website.
DOUGHBOY CITY is the first work of fiction for author, David G. Guerra. He has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
The next book in the Occupied Berlin series is AIR BRIDGE BERLIN.