Tales and Stories from Freedom's Outpost
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Light at the end of the tunnel
It has been a long and bumpy road. However, the journey is NOT over but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter.
The second draft of the second part of "The Taking of Sergeant Gonzalez" is coming to a conclusion.
Soon it will go off to review and the final re-write will follow.
The first part of "The Taking of Sergeant Gonzalez" is available exclusively as an AMAZON Kindle eBook (click here)
In this work of fiction, Sergeant First Class David Gonzalez is a World War II Veteran, former POW, and now a platoon sergeant assigned to one of the most prestigious units in the history of the US Army, the Berlin Command. In the Spring of 1950, SFC Gonzalez is about to become an unwilling pawn in game of Cat and Mouse played between Soviet Intelligence services and the Western Allied Forces in the divided city of West Berlin during the early days of the Cold War.
After the end of the Soviet Blockade of Berlin, things were not back to normal. Berlin’s status as the spy capital of the world was slowly starting to come into its own. However, the Soviets had their own agenda when it came to collecting sensitive information. Being in Berlin meant East and West forces worked in proximity to one another that kidnapping or snatching individuals, especially soldiers from the Western Allies, off the streets of West Berlin by Soviet agents became almost commonplace in the years after the end of World War II and increased after the end of the Berlin Blockade. Whether to extract key operational information or to use them as pawns for other nefarious operations the Soviets pulled no punches with their intentions.
---- The Taking of Sergeant Gonzalez is a two-part story with the conclusion coming Winter 2018. Also, the entire story, in paperback, will be published Winter 2018.
PARADE SEASON, SPANDAU GUARD, AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY are the historical fiction by author David G. Guerra. David has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order SPANDAU GUARD: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order PARADE SEASON: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback
The next book, TAKING OF SERGEANT GONZALEZ, in the Occupied Berlin series coming Winter 2018.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
I apologize for not post here as often as I should.
To bring you up to date: I am still working on finishing the story "The Taking of Sergeant Gonzalez"
It seems to have spawned numerous ideas and I have been working on building foundations on those ideas so that when I can devote time to them I will not have to worry about what was I thinking when I came up with the idea.
Yet, the book suffers. However, I do hope you find the finished product more to your liking.
PARADE SEASON, SPANDAU GUARD, AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY are the historical fiction by author David G. Guerra. David has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order SPANDAU GUARD: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order PARADE SEASON: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback
The next book, OPUS 5 (Untitled Work), in the Occupied Berlin series coming Fall 2016.
I apologize for not post here as often as I should.
To bring you up to date: I am still working on finishing the story "The Taking of Sergeant Gonzalez"
It seems to have spawned numerous ideas and I have been working on building foundations on those ideas so that when I can devote time to them I will not have to worry about what was I thinking when I came up with the idea.
Yet, the book suffers. However, I do hope you find the finished product more to your liking.
PARADE SEASON, SPANDAU GUARD, AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY are the historical fiction by author David G. Guerra. David has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order SPANDAU GUARD: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order PARADE SEASON: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback
The next book, OPUS 5 (Untitled Work), in the Occupied Berlin series coming Fall 2016.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Hello, everyone!
I hope you had a wonderful Holiday Season and you are having a fantastic New Year!
I just saw that it was last September since I last wrote. I do apologize. I jumped into the holiday season and I did not look back.
However, I bring you good news. The next book in the OCCUPIED BERLIN series is titled:
In this work of fiction, Sergeant First Class David Gonzalez is a World War II Veteran, former POW, and now a platoon sergeant assigned to one of the most prestigious units in the history of the US Army, the Berlin Command. In the Spring of 1950, SFC Gonzalez is about to become an unwilling pawn in game of Cat and Mouse played between Soviet Intelligence services and the Western Allied Forces in the divided city of West Berlin during the early days of the Cold War.
After the end of the Soviet Blockade of Berlin, things were not back to normal. Berlin’s status as the spy capital of the world was slowly starting to come into its own. However, the Soviets had their own agenda when it came to collecting sensitive information. Being in Berlin meant East and West forces worked in proximity to one another that kidnapping or snatching individuals, especially soldiers from the Western Allies, off the streets of West Berlin by Soviet agents became almost commonplace in the years after the end of World War II and increased after the end of the Berlin Blockade. Whether to extract key operational information or to use them as pawns for other nefarious operations the Soviets pulled no punches with their intentions.
The Taking of Sergeant Gonzalez is a two-part story with the conclusion coming Summer 2017.
Both parts will be published on the AMAZON NOOK and B&N NOOK formats before publishing a paperback version.
Also, the entire story, in paperback, will be published Summer 2017.
*** ATTN: The book cover shown here is NOT the final cover. This is currently the working cover until the book is digitally published.
As always I Thank You for your support,
David Guerra
author of the Occupied Berlin series
auf Deutsch
Hallo, alle miteinander!
Wir hoffen jedoch, dass sie bei Ihrer Reiseplanung weiterhilft. Original auf Englisch Language Weaver Bewerten Sie diese Übersetzung: Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung Mangelhaft Gut
Ich habe gerade gesehen, dass es im letzten September, da ich zuletzt schrieb. Ich entschuldige mich. Ich sprang in die Ferienzeit und blickte nicht zurück.
Aber ich bringe Ihnen gute Nachrichten. Das nächste Buch in der OCCUPIED BERLIN Serie heißt:
En français
Bonjour à tous!
J'espère que vous avez eu une merveilleuse saison des fêtes et que vous avez une nouvelle année fantastique!
Je viens de voir que c'était en septembre dernier depuis la dernière fois que j'ai écrit. Je m'excuse. J'ai sauté dans la saison des fêtes et je n'ai pas regarder en arrière.
Cependant, je vous apporte de bonnes nouvelles. Le prochain livre de la série OCCUPIED BERLIN est intitulé:
Po polsku
Cześć wszystkim!
Mam nadzieję, że był to wspaniały sezon wakacyjny i masz fantastyczny Nowego Roku!
Widziałem tylko, że było to we wrześniu ubiegłego roku odkąd ostatnio napisał. Naprawdę przepraszam. Wskoczyłem do sezonu wakacyjnego i nie patrzeć wstecz.
Jednak ja zwiastuję wam. Kolejna książka w okupowanej serii BERLIN nosi tytuł:
Braniu Sierżant GONZALEZ
PARADE SEASON, SPANDAU GUARD, AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY are the historical fiction by author David G. Guerra. David has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order SPANDAU GUARD: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order PARADE SEASON: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback
The next book, THE TAKING OF SERGEANT GONZALEZ, in the Occupied Berlin series coming VERY, VERY EARLY 2017.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Hallo! Hello! Halo! Bonjour! September 2016
Hello Everyone!
I do hope you are well. It has been about three months since I last posted and I wish I could say that things are well underway with the story. I am a little behind.
Thus, I pushed the release date to late fall of this year. The plan to publish in 2016 remains unchanged. So be on the look out for that.
In the next few weeks, I will formally publish the title of story and I will ask for your help on the cover design. Also, an excerpt will be forthcoming.
In the meantime, I thank you for stopping by and your patience.
You most humble servant,
David Guerra
Hallo an alle!
Ich hoffe, Sie sind gut. Es has-been etwa drei Monate, seit ich zuletzt geschrieben, und ich wünschte, ich, dass die Dinge sind im Gange mit der Geschichte gut sagen konnte. Ich bin ein wenig hinterher.
ALSO, schob ich die Veröffentlichung der Daten bis zum Spätherbst dieses Jahres. Das Flugzeug im Jahr 2016 zu veröffentlichen, bleibt unverändert. So sei auf der Suche nach diesem.
In den nächsten Wochen werde ich offiziell den Titel der Geschichte zu veröffentlichen, und ich werde für Ihre Hilfe auf dem Cover-Design stellen. Außerdem wird ein Auszug sein Erscheinen.
In der Zwischenzeit, ich danke Ihnen für Ihren Besuch und Ihre Geduld.
David Guerra
Bonjour tout le monde!
J'espère que vous êtes bien. Il a été d'environ trois mois que je posté charge et je voudrais pouvoir dire fait des choses sont en bonne voie avec l'histoire. Je suis un peu en arrière.
Par conséquent, je poussais la date de sortie de fin de l'automne de cette année. Le plan de publier en 2016 reste inchangé. Alors, soyez à l'affût pour cela.
Au cours des prochaines semaines, je souhaite publier officiellement le titre de l'histoire et je veux demander votre aide sur la conception de la couverture. Donc, pour extrait sera imminente.
En attendant, je vous remercie de l'arrêt par et votre patience.
Vous très humble serviteur,
David Guerra
Witam wszystkich!
Mam nadzieję, że dobrze. To było około trzech miesięcy, od kiedy pisał obciążenia i żałuję, że nie mógł powiedzieć rzeczy są w toku z historią. Jestem za mało.
Tak więc podsunąłem datę premiery do późnej jesieni tego roku. Plan opublikować w 2016 pozostaje niezmieniona. Warto zatem zwrócić uwagę na to.
W ciągu najbliższych kilku tygodni, chcę oficjalnie publikuje tytuł opowiadania i chcę prosić o pomoc w sprawie projektu okładki. Tak więc, aby wyciąg nadejdą.
W tym czasie, dziękuję za odwiedziny i cierpliwość.
Jesteś najbardziej pokornym sługą,
David Guerra
PARADE SEASON, SPANDAU GUARD, AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY are the historical fiction by author David G. Guerra. David has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order SPANDAU GUARD: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order PARADE SEASON: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback
The next book, OPUS 5 (Untitled Work), in the Occupied Berlin series coming Late Fall 2016.
I do hope you are well. It has been about three months since I last posted and I wish I could say that things are well underway with the story. I am a little behind.
Thus, I pushed the release date to late fall of this year. The plan to publish in 2016 remains unchanged. So be on the look out for that.
In the next few weeks, I will formally publish the title of story and I will ask for your help on the cover design. Also, an excerpt will be forthcoming.
In the meantime, I thank you for stopping by and your patience.
You most humble servant,
David Guerra
Hallo an alle!
Ich hoffe, Sie sind gut. Es has-been etwa drei Monate, seit ich zuletzt geschrieben, und ich wünschte, ich, dass die Dinge sind im Gange mit der Geschichte gut sagen konnte. Ich bin ein wenig hinterher.
ALSO, schob ich die Veröffentlichung der Daten bis zum Spätherbst dieses Jahres. Das Flugzeug im Jahr 2016 zu veröffentlichen, bleibt unverändert. So sei auf der Suche nach diesem.
In den nächsten Wochen werde ich offiziell den Titel der Geschichte zu veröffentlichen, und ich werde für Ihre Hilfe auf dem Cover-Design stellen. Außerdem wird ein Auszug sein Erscheinen.
In der Zwischenzeit, ich danke Ihnen für Ihren Besuch und Ihre Geduld.
David Guerra
Bonjour tout le monde!
J'espère que vous êtes bien. Il a été d'environ trois mois que je posté charge et je voudrais pouvoir dire fait des choses sont en bonne voie avec l'histoire. Je suis un peu en arrière.
Par conséquent, je poussais la date de sortie de fin de l'automne de cette année. Le plan de publier en 2016 reste inchangé. Alors, soyez à l'affût pour cela.
Au cours des prochaines semaines, je souhaite publier officiellement le titre de l'histoire et je veux demander votre aide sur la conception de la couverture. Donc, pour extrait sera imminente.
En attendant, je vous remercie de l'arrêt par et votre patience.
Vous très humble serviteur,
David Guerra
Witam wszystkich!
Mam nadzieję, że dobrze. To było około trzech miesięcy, od kiedy pisał obciążenia i żałuję, że nie mógł powiedzieć rzeczy są w toku z historią. Jestem za mało.
Tak więc podsunąłem datę premiery do późnej jesieni tego roku. Plan opublikować w 2016 pozostaje niezmieniona. Warto zatem zwrócić uwagę na to.
W ciągu najbliższych kilku tygodni, chcę oficjalnie publikuje tytuł opowiadania i chcę prosić o pomoc w sprawie projektu okładki. Tak więc, aby wyciąg nadejdą.
W tym czasie, dziękuję za odwiedziny i cierpliwość.
Jesteś najbardziej pokornym sługą,
David Guerra
PARADE SEASON, SPANDAU GUARD, AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY are the historical fiction by author David G. Guerra. David has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order SPANDAU GUARD: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order PARADE SEASON: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback
The next book, OPUS 5 (Untitled Work), in the Occupied Berlin series coming Late Fall 2016.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
JUNE 2016 - An Overdue Update :)
Greetings All.
It is June and summer is in full swing. Already there is a tropical depression in the Gulf of Mexico (a clear sign of summer in the United States). Meanwhile, in Europe the Siene is rising and threatening to flood the Louvre (Seine River peaks in Paris, museums to be shut for days). Interesting times to say the least.
How are you? I do hope all is well. Thank you for stopping by.
The Berlin Blockade and Airlift are over but the Soviets are still up
to their old tricks. However, the mission of the western Allies in Berlin continues,
knowing that at any second the Soviets can change things from a very
nice and clean Cold War to a hot mess.
I better get back to that angry old German lady simply known as OMA, seems that I left her poking a passed out, drunk GI with her walking stick. It might not turn out so good for the GI. That's all I am going to mention in this update.
Until next time I Thank You,
PARADE SEASON, SPANDAU GUARD, AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY are the historical fiction by author David G. Guerra. David has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order SPANDAU GUARD: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order PARADE SEASON: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback
The next book, OPUS 5 (Untitled Work), in the Occupied Berlin series coming Fall 2016.
It is June and summer is in full swing. Already there is a tropical depression in the Gulf of Mexico (a clear sign of summer in the United States). Meanwhile, in Europe the Siene is rising and threatening to flood the Louvre (Seine River peaks in Paris, museums to be shut for days). Interesting times to say the least.
How are you? I do hope all is well. Thank you for stopping by.
Currently, I am working on a scene creating the back story of the entire work. This is to introduce the reader to what else is happening in Berlin of 1950. The year is 1950 and the story begins 85 days before the start of the Korean War. Things are a little tense all over the world.
1992 painting depicting the Puerto Rican 65th Infantry Regiment's bayonet charge against a Chinese division during the Korean War. |
I better get back to that angry old German lady simply known as OMA, seems that I left her poking a passed out, drunk GI with her walking stick. It might not turn out so good for the GI. That's all I am going to mention in this update.
Until next time I Thank You,
PARADE SEASON, SPANDAU GUARD, AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY are the historical fiction by author David G. Guerra. David has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order SPANDAU GUARD: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order PARADE SEASON: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback
The next book, OPUS 5 (Untitled Work), in the Occupied Berlin series coming Fall 2016.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
31 Characters?
31 Characters.
This weekend I spent most of Saturday working on the characters in the latest story. By the end of the day, I had 31 characters ready to roll into the story. Yep, 31 characters.
When I first told my wife about the number she just looked at me and said, "31? Really?"
At first, I thought it was a bit too much. Then it dawned on me, in my last book not all the characters I created made it to the final cut. As a matter of fact, there were was one character that I had to make on the fly. I won't tell you who it was but the character played a pivotal role in the story.
31 Characters including the protagonist, his three friends, the antagonist, and two old friends are on board. The remaining 25 characters, so far, each play a sizable role in the story.
What do you think?
Is 31 too many characters for a story or not enough?
Thanks for stopping by.
PARADE SEASON, SPANDAU GUARD, AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY are the historical fiction by author David G. Guerra. David has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order SPANDAU GUARD: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order PARADE SEASON: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback
The next book, OPUS 5 (Untitled Work), in the Occupied Berlin series coming Fall 2016.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
April 9, 2016: Checking In On You!
Hope you are enjoying the Spring. I know I have. It has been a very nice and mild season here in Deep South Texas. As it has been nice and mild it also means that ALLERGIES have been having a field day with my sinuses and eyes.
It may be that we did not have a good winter. The temps never got down to freezing or near freezing for any extended period and caused our trees to not shut down for the winter. As a matter of fact, the Mexican Bird of Paradise we have in the front yard was showing signs of new growth in late January and that's not a good thing.
The only good thing about having a mild winter and spring is that we get to spend more time outside. Unfortunately, the flip side of being outside so much, I have not been banging on the keys as much as I should have. However, I have a great start to the next story and the rough draft of the first chapter is done.
I have a few things that I must do this weekend but I have built in time to write some. Hopefully, the rough of chapter two will be completed. Then on to #3.
For those of you wondering, I do have the outline & timeline complete. Having those two things under control helps make the process go a little easier. However, all that is moot if I don't get my backside in my chair and get back to writing.
Well, enough of that for now.
Thanks for you time and most of all Thank you for your support,
PARADE SEASON, SPANDAU GUARD, AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY are the historical fiction by author David G. Guerra. David has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order SPANDAU GUARD: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order PARADE SEASON: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback
The next book, OPUS 5 (Untitled Work), in the Occupied Berlin series coming Fall 2016.
Hope you are enjoying the Spring. I know I have. It has been a very nice and mild season here in Deep South Texas. As it has been nice and mild it also means that ALLERGIES have been having a field day with my sinuses and eyes.
The Bird of Paradise in the front yard |
It may be that we did not have a good winter. The temps never got down to freezing or near freezing for any extended period and caused our trees to not shut down for the winter. As a matter of fact, the Mexican Bird of Paradise we have in the front yard was showing signs of new growth in late January and that's not a good thing.
The only good thing about having a mild winter and spring is that we get to spend more time outside. Unfortunately, the flip side of being outside so much, I have not been banging on the keys as much as I should have. However, I have a great start to the next story and the rough draft of the first chapter is done.
I have a few things that I must do this weekend but I have built in time to write some. Hopefully, the rough of chapter two will be completed. Then on to #3.
For those of you wondering, I do have the outline & timeline complete. Having those two things under control helps make the process go a little easier. However, all that is moot if I don't get my backside in my chair and get back to writing.
Well, enough of that for now.
Thanks for you time and most of all Thank you for your support,
PARADE SEASON, SPANDAU GUARD, AIR BRIDGE BERLIN & DOUGHBOY CITY are the historical fiction by author David G. Guerra. David has previously published "The Walking Leader" and is working on the next book in his Walking Leader trilogy of books, "Great To Follow" with "We, The Team" as the last book.
Order DOUGHBOY CITY: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order AIR BRIDGE BERLIN: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order SPANDAU GUARD: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback | BN Nook
Order PARADE SEASON: Signed Copy | Amazon Kindle | Amazon Paperback | Barnes & Noble Paperback
The next book, OPUS 5 (Untitled Work), in the Occupied Berlin series coming Fall 2016.
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